Beating Chests & Throwing Shade With the Bible - Bible Bash

Bible Bash Guest Episode March 2022

Casting out the chest-beating & shade-throwing from the Bible with the skills & insights of a Jewish Trans Educator (Liam Hooper) and a Cantankerous Hermit-ish Mendicant Farmer (Don Durham) is an important goal of Bible Bash. This episode tells a radically differently story of driving the money-lenders out of the temple, shares Morning Poem by Mary Oliver, dives into Liam's “theology of disappointment”, and looks at a grandmother-inspired passage from Trans-Forming Proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence. Both Don & Liam live outside the conventional limits, of our society, so you'll hear and see things differently when they're channeling insights. Bible Bash is a gift from Ministries Beyond Welcome, started by Liam Hooper, author of Trans-Forming Proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: UCC, Jewish, Quaker

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Beating Chests & Throwing Shade With the Bible - Bible Bash

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Liam Hooper
Don Durham


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