Bible Bash For Good

The Bible Bash Podcast is hosted on Northern Spirit Radio because of the way that Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio and Liam Hooper, of Ministries Beyond Welcome, use their expertise and insight to transform the way we think about the Bible and what it means in our lives. As a gay man and a trans man, they see things that many others have been blind to. As they co-host today, they consider two Bible verses and two non-Bible inspirational passages, to think deeply about inclusion, belonging, immigrants, the Earth, and connection.

The Bible Bash Podcast theme song is Playbill by The Jellyrox.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Quaker, UCC - United Church of Christ

Episode Number


First Air Date

Bible Bash For Good

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Broadcast Date(s)


Peterson Toscano
Liam Hooper


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