Death and Taxes - Karen Brandow

Death & Taxes - Karen Brandow

Karen Brandow is a political activist whose association with Charlie King has led her to use music as one of her tools for change. 2 issues at the forefront for Karen are War Taxes & The Death Penalty. Karen spent 8 years in Central America, doing accompaniment & other work, was raised in a culturally Jewish household, is trained as a spiritual director. Her primary spiritual practice is Buddhism.

Throughout the program I mispronounced the last syllable of her last name to rhyme with "cow" whereas the correct pronunciation would rhyme with "Joe". Sorry, Karen!

Music included in this program:
"Don’t Pay Taxes" from Sparks and Tears, Charlie King & Karen Brandow
"We are One" from Puppet Town, Charlie King & Karen Brandow
"The Worst You’ve Ever Done" from Puppet Town, Charlie King & Karen Brandow
"Ellis Unit One" by Steve Earle
"Hey Little Ant" from Charlie King’s The Senseless Laughter of Whales
"Break ‘em On Down" from On the Journey, Charlie King & Karen Brandow

First Air Date

Death and Taxes - Karen Brandow

Audio file

A mention of the types of activism that she and Charlie take part in.
Including Buddhist, families of victims against the death penalty, families of condemned people, and those exonerated.
How compassion is needed both for the condemned but the ones that work with them.
How the current system of justice is not at all humane and talking about how it needs to be fixed.
The background on their connections to issues of the death penalty and refusing to pay war taxes.
A song about being remembered only for the worst things you have done.

Broadcast Date(s)


Karen Brandow


I enjoyed this show very much. Karen Brandow's contentment with so little in the way of material things is inspirational, and the music was excellent.

I know of the work of Charlie King and Karen Brandow. Still, I found this interview and the accompanying music awe inspiring and will seek to share it with others. peace Sylvain

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