Dying to Be Heard - Ben Merens

Ben sitting at microphone in studio

Ben Merens is well-known throughout Wisconsin and beyond for his 21 years on WPR and, especially, for his years as host of At Issue. His latest book is People Are Dying to Be Heard, where he shares his lessons & insights about listening, silence, and being heard. Ben is media director for Vistelar Group (using Verbal Defense & Influence) and directs their Podcast Network InternationalMusic Featured:
Babylon - performed by Ben Merens


First Air Date

Dying To Be Heard

Audio file

Few people can riff like Ben Merens can riff - and People Are Dying to Be Heard began as a jazz virtuoso free-style!
Ben breezes through a potentially devastating surgery at 16 - including months in a body cast.

Broadcast Date(s)


Ben Merens


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