Friend of the Circle of Life

Mary Ann Percy

Mary Ann Percy has found essence in nature since she was a child, expecting that work in ecology was to be her path. Alas, defeated by chemistry, she looked to Spirit for clarity about the work she was intended to do. With a leading into work with palliative care and hospice volunteer training, she works as Kulshan Cares. Her training in dealing with health & illness challenges and life transitions further prepared her to facilitate Joanna Macy's The Work That Reconnects. Mary Ann serves the Circle of Life through writing, training, & growth through Quaker Earthcare Witness and other groups, Quaker and non-Quaker. Among her writings is A New Story for Earth in Western Friend.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Jewish, Meditation, Quaker, Russian Orthodox

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Friend of the Circle of Life

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Mary Ann Percy


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