A Home for Peace: Betsy Corner & Randy Kehler

Randy Kehler & Betsy Corner

Randy Kehler & Betsy Corner have been standing strong against paying for war for more than 45 years. They were especially notable because their witness for peace led to an attempt by the govt to take their home, something that happens to very few resisters. The peace community, both locally in Colrain, MA, and nationally, gathered in a years-long occupation to protect Randy & Betsy's home. Just recently Randy & Betsy were aided by the WTRPF (War Tax Resistance Penalty Fund) as the IRS still pursued them. Their story is told in the movie An Act of Conscience.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Methodist, Congregational

Featured Music:
Keep Your Motor Runnin' - by Tom Neilson

Episode Number


First Air Date

A Home for Peace: Betsy Corner & Randy Kehler

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Betsy Corner
Randy Kehler


I am trying to find a contact for Randy Kehler, who was a high school classmate (Scarsdale High School, 1962).    We are having a 60th reunion in October.  The email we have rkehler@crocker.com   apparently does not work.


Thank you.

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