Randy Kehler & Betsy Corner have been standing strong against paying for war for more than 45 years. They were especially notable because their witness for peace led to an attempt by the govt to take their home, something that happens to very few resisters.
How to Pay for Peace, Not War
First Air Date
Lincoln Rice and Ruth Benn of NWTRCC (National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee)share the essentials from the January 2020 on-line war tax resistance counselor training, including the methods, mechanics, motivations, & consequences of refusing to pay for war.
Pacifist Curmudgeon & War Tax Redirection
First Air Date
Across the country, the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) links energies of folks like Anne Barron of the Peace Resource Center of San Diego, the Truth & Poverty Tour in San Diego, and War Tax Redirection, and Larry Bassett, the curmudgeon