The Long Road to Women Doctors, Written in Poetry: Alice Rothchild

Alice Rothchild

Alice Rothchild is many things: a woman, a Jew, a doctor, a feminist, a poet, and the author of 6 books, the latest being Inspired and Outraged: The Making of a Feminist Physician. Rising in the medical ranks when women were almost universally barred from the role of physician, she became a obstetrics-gynecology doc, including co-founding the non-profit Urban Woman and Child Health Inc. Alice transcends barriers, limits, and conventions, including having written this wide-ranging memoir and commentary-on-the-times book in poetic format.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Jewish, Non-affiliated

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, Uncut, Spirit In Action with Alice Rothchild

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The Long Road to Women Doctors, Written in Poetry: Alice Rothchild

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Broadcast Date(s)


Alice Rothchild


Where does Alice Rothchild stand on the egregious process of vaccinations given at birth?

The USA has 50 more vaccinations given to children than Europe and  worse health by far than in Europe.  When I ask doctors about this they fail to see the connection and blame their patients.

Where does Alice stand on the the brainwashing of the public during COVID and the disaster and criminal use of COVID vaccines?

Best wishes,  Toby

In reply to by Toby Grotz (not verified)

I don't presume to answer for Alice, but with a tiny bit of research online I found different facts. For example, there are 15 childhood vaccinations, not 50, in the US. The range of required vaccinations in Europe vary by country, so no blanket comparison is valid, but one list I saw makes me think that the number required or mandatory in almost all European countries is similar to what we have in the US. As for health outcomes being different, there are lots of factors, with a likely culprit being the lack of universal healthcare coverage for all citizens in the US, a standard that all other developed nations in the world take for granted.

I prefer to have discussions based on facts and with documentation. Terms like "brain-washed" may or may not be accurate, based on who and what we're talking about, but I would hope for quoting of sources. 


I really enjoyed my wide ranging interview with Mark Helpsmeet about my memoir, Inspired and Outraged: The Making of a Feminist Physician. Thank you!

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