A Land Twice Promised - Noa Baum, Storyteller/Peacemaker

A Land Twice Promised - Noa Baum, Storyteller/Peacemaker

Noa Baum is an Israeli-born woman now living in the USA who has found her avocation in telling stories, who came to my attention through her one-woman story-telling show called A Land Twice Promised, about the personal stories of people vying for or sharing the land variously called Israel or Palestine. Stories can change hearts and find a way forward in places where argument is powerless or counterproductive, so Noa's very personal sharing may light for us a more peaceful way forward in a very troubled world.

Featured Music:
The Greatest Story Never Told - John McCutcheon
Hills of Ayalon - Fred Small

First Air Date

A Land Twice Promised - Noa Baum, Storyteller/Peacemaker

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Noa Baum


Noa Baum walks the talk and makes the world a better place every day. I am proud to know her and call her friend and colleague. Thank you for highlighting her amazing work.

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