A Passionate Zionist Rethinks

Steve Chase did a major course correction about Israel/Palestine, a journey he shares in a 30-page pamphlet Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions? A Quaker Zionist Rethinks Palestinian Rights. With insights from Jewish Voice for PeaceBDSMovement.net, and AFSC, he found a better way forward. Steve taught 12 years at Antioch University New England as founding Program Director of their Advocacy for Social Justice and Sustainability master’s program, and is currently with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict.

First Air Date

A Passionate Zionist Rethinks

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Is Steve still involved with the Transition Town Movement? And is there a connection between nonviolence work and Transition?
Where did Bayard Rustin go wrong in his ardent Zionism?
Is Steve still a Zionist in some measure?
Another influence for Steve's change of heart was the book "The Other Israel"

Broadcast Date(s)


Steve Chase


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