Speaking Truth to Power With 92 Years of Witness

Bill Durland

There was an article by Bill Durland in the May/June 2023 issue of Western Friend called Martyrs for Conscience's Sake (and there is also a podcast of a visit with Bill) which provides a very short history of those martyred as they “spoke truth to power”. We visit with Bill & Genie Durland about the article, about the violence in Israel/Palestine, and about the 10 plays they have written on activist issues and which can be ordered from Bill & Genie by email at durlandwe@gmail.com. Bill is an attorney, he served in the Virginia House of Delegates, and Bill and Genie have served with the Center on Law & Pacifism, Pendle Hill Retreat CenterChristian Peacemaker Teams, and in other ways and with other groups.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Episcopalian, Quaker, Catholic Worker

Episode Number


First Air Date

Speaking Truth to Power With 92 Years of Witness

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Bill Durland
Genie Durland


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