Native Land Return

John Stoesz carries a ministry advocating land reparations with indigenous peoples as he has traveled 1000's & 1000's of miles on his recumbent trike, working with Dakota peoples in Minnesota, working with and alongside Unsettling Minnesota, coalition for Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery, and Waziyatawin, author of What Does Justice Look Like. He has also worked with the Kanza Heritage Society and Real Rent Duwamish. John is former executive director of the Mennonite Central Committee for the Central States.

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Native Land Return

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John Stoesz


Greetings from Joanne Forman, an oldtimer in Taos, New Mexico. Just heard part of "Spirit in Action" on "my" Pacifica-related station, KCEI, 90.1 FM. MOST interested to hear the gentleman who biked Minnesota, and his remarks about land return/reparations. (Taos Pueblo has managed to hang on to about 50,000 acres.) Regarding Standing Rock: I have not, so far, been able to find an answer to this question; hope you can help: Was there then (or now)any attempt to contact PIPELINE WORKERS--either through their union, or any other means? Obviously, if the workers don't do the work, the work doesn't get done. At the same time, workers with good jobs are eager to hang on to them. IF an attempt was made, whether it was rebuffed or not, we'd at least know something. I CAN'T be the only person to have thought of this!!! Thanks for your attention, and I will pay more attention to Northern Spirit Radio.

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