Peak Oil & Druidry - John Michael Greer, Part 1

Peak Oil & Druidry - John Michael Greer, Part 1

John Michael Greer is a prolific author writing on diverse topics like peak oil, nature-based economics and, of course, druidry, because he is the Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America. His knowledge is vast and his presentation makes even complex topics understandable and compelling. His books include The Ecotechnic Future: Envisioning a Post-Peak World and The Wealth of Nature: Economics as if survival Matter.

Music included in this program:
Circle of Stone - Magpie
Forgetting Home (Unwelcomed Prophecy of Global Warming) - Joachim Eriksson

First Air Date

Peak Oil & Druidry - John Michael Greer

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John Michael Greer


Peak oil is a difficult topic and John Michael Greer is one of the best at explaining. Mark Helpsmeet did a good job in this interview at getting to the heart of the issue with peak oil and having JMG connect it to his druid spirituality. Well worth a listen.

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