Extinct, In Our Hearts

We care about & for that which we know, so B.J. Hollars leads us into Flock Together: A Love Affair with Extinct Birds. While captivating & enjoyable, B.J. also narrates a story that is deeply compelling in how we live in relationship to our world. He is founder of Chippewa Valley Writers Guildand associate professor of English at UW-Eau Claire.

Among his other books:

Thirteen Loops: Race, Violence and the Last Lynching in America
Opening the Doors: The Desegregation of the University of Alabama and the Fight for Civil Rights in Tuscaloosa

First Air Date

Extinct, In Our Hearts

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B.J. Hollars


I rarely listen all the way through a broadcast but this one captured my attention. Mark crafted a great interview with both knowledge and curiosity. I felt like I was sitting in a room with these guys just soaking it all in. I have read a couple of BJ Hollars books and will need to read more.

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