Preventing the 6th Mass Extinction: The Rescue Effect & Michael Mehta Webster

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In his book, The Rescue Effect: The Key to Saving Life on Earth, Michael Mehta Webster has both hopeful & challenging news about the possibilities & ways we might mitigate the damage of Earth's 6th mass extinction event. Michael knows how it both can and does work to bring species back from the edge of extinction - or even after - and he knows the nitty-gritty of getting this done.

Mesoamerica Resiste: Beyond Colonialism

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Tyler Norman and The Beehive Collective are tackling the big issues, like globalization, climate change, and the danger of extinction in creative and decentralized ways. Grown out of the anti-WTO movements and with an eye to encouraging, energizing methods of spurring change, an important approach to spreading the word has been super-sized graphic creations which empower alternative story-telling. Their largest project to-date has been Mesoamerica Resiste.