The Privilege of Being (and Seeing) White - Making Racism Visible

The Privilege of Being (and Seeing) White - Making Racism Visible

Our racism is mostly invisible to us because all the assumptions around it seem "normal" to us, The authors of Seeing White: An introduction to White Privilege and Race lead us through a rigorous inspection of the history and present of racism in the USA - and the way out of this ingrained social construction. Jean Halley is in the Department of Sociology and Amy Eshleman is the Department of Psychology at Wagner College, Staten Island, NY, and co-author Ramya Vijaya is an Associate Prof of Economics at Richard Stockton College in New Jersey.

Jean Halley is also author of Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy

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The Privilege of Being (and Seeing) White

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Jean Halley
Amy Eshleman
Ramya Vijaya


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