The Role of History in Reparations & Freedom Summer

Monica Tetzlaff

Monica Tetzlaff is an associate professor of history at the University of Indiana of South Bend, and her special interest is in African-American history. In September of 2021 she presented online, as part of IU's “Pop-up University”, a program called The Role of History in Reparations: From Global to Local. Monica has not only studied the history around reparations, she has been one of the teachers leading her university's Freedom Summer Course, taking their students throughout the south to the sites of the most dramatic events of the Civil Rights movement. Today we'll talk about efforts for reconciliation and reparations, and listening to the hearts and lives of those most affected by racism in our country.

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The Role of History in Reparations & Freedom Summer

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Monica Tetzlaff


I so appreciate Mark Helpsmeet giving me this opportunity to speak on ways to take action for racial justice and healing. It is my hope that we white people can listen to friends, colleagues, and leaders who are people of color and then sit and reflect what each of us is called to do.  

I'm reading a great book called _Living Into God's Dream: Dismantling Racism in America_. It's edited by Dr. Catherine Meeks, with a Foreward by Jim Wallis.  I had the privilege of listening to and learning from Dr. Meeks, together with my Freedom Summer class, during our stop in Atlanta.

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