Curing Down-home Racism on Tomlinson Hill

Chris Tomlinson

In writing his book, Tomlinson Hill: The Remarkable Story of Two Families Who Share the Tomlinson Name - One White, One Black, Chris Tomlinson asks himself the question, "What crimes had my ancestors committed to maintain their power and privilege? Did they know what they did was wrong? As an American and Texan, I wanted to understand the sins of our fathers." Chris was AP bureau chief in Nairobi, Kenya, covering 9 wars on the African continent in his 11 years there, and he returns to Texas to pen an unblinking history, both personal and of Texas, related to the aftermath of the Civil War. Chris is currently business columnist for the Houston Chronicle.

On the website you'll find interviews and spots from the movie about Chris' book.


Episode Number


First Air Date

Curing Down-home Racism on Tomlinson Hill

Audio file

We ended the program with a small portion of David Massengill's song, Number One In America, but thought you should hear the whole thing, dealing as it does with so many of the same issues/themes/events as are dealt with in Tomlinson Hill. So here it is!

Broadcast Date(s)


Chris Tomlinson


I'm not much into history, but this was pretty interesting. Rather than worrying about the mistakes from the past, we would do well to try to improve the what's happening right now. That should keep us quite busy. Rich F.

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