Peace & Women in Burundi: Parfaite Ntahuba

Parfaite Ntahuba

Parfaite Ntahuba led a concerted effort in Burundi so that the 2020 national elections might have a much better outcome than the bloody results of the 2015 elections. Having lived through the 1994 civil war in Burundi in which her father and 300,000 others were killed, and having learned from the trauma healing workshops and nonviolent resistance training she has received with Nonviolent PeaceforceFriends Peace TeamsFriends Women's Association - Burundi, Parfaite has become a peace & women's rights activist in the East African nation, while serving as one of a handful of women pastors in Burundi.

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Full, uncut interview with Parfaite Ntahuba

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Peace & Women in Burundi: Parfaite Ntahuba

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The duties of children vs. those of adults in Burundi are likely unimaginable to most families in the USA.
The norms in Burundi about family names are much different than in the USA.
What effect did COVID have on the 2020 election in Burundi?
Are there more women, advocating women's rights in Burundi, like Parfaite?
Even nominal equality for women in Burundi has to wrestle with equity issues.

Broadcast Date(s)


Parfaite Ntahuba


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