It's time for a super-charged, profoundly-rooted, sustainable and transformative revolution, and Chris Moore-Backman has an inspired take on the needed way forward. He is the author The Gandhian Iceberg: A Nonviolence Manifesto for the Age of the Great Turning, loaded with thoughts, words, and images which will radically enrich the path of all who read it. Chris has a couple decades experience with nonviolent action and training, most recently with an emphasis on efforts to end the age of mass incarceration.
Gandhian Iceberg - A Nonviolence Manifesto
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Gandhian Iceberg - A Nonviolence Manifesto
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Chris Moore-Backman
Chris in Rochester, MN and .... Eau Claire?
Hi Mark, I heard your interview with Chris and had the chance to hear him speak at a Gandhian Institute in the Black Hills this past August. I have invited him to come to Rochester, MN (date not set yet, hopefully next March or April) and wondering if Eau Claire would like to host him too, as long as he's in the area?
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