Tyranny, Plato, Trump, & Nonviolence with Andrew Fiala

Andrew Fiala

Our main topics today are tyranny & nonviolence. Andrew Fiala is Professor of Philosophy & also director of the Ethics Center at Cal State Fresno. His new book is Tyranny: From Plato to Trump, Fools, Sycophants, and Citizens, and Andrew is also the author of a number of other books, including Nonviolence: A Quick Immersion. The big question is about how we can, first of all, recognize the threat of tyranny, and what we can do to prevent its power over us and preserve our democracy. Andrew is author of a recent article in Only Sky, Russian Invasion: Does nonviolent resistance have a role to play in Ukraine?

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Presbyterian, Humanist

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Full, uncut interview with Andrew Fiala

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Tyranny, Plato, Trump, & Nonviolence with Andrew Fiala

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A fundamental aspect of Donald Trump's operation is the primacy of the value of winning, and he also pursues policies like “Build the Wall” as a way to excite & incite the non-analytical citizens.
In addition to education as a fundamental tool, truth & compassion play key roles.

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Andrew Fiala


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