Sanctity of Life - Vasu Murti - Part 2

Sanctity of Life - Vasu Murti - Part 2

Vasu Murti asks a disturbing question - if world hunger, climate change, and, importantly, abortion are the karma for our animal-based diet, can we get liberals and conservatives to come together to affirm the sanctity of all life? Vasu Murti is author of The Shall Not Hurt or Destroy: Animal Rights and Vegetarianism in the Western Religious Traditions and also The Liberal Case Against Abortion.

Music included in this program:
Do No Harm - Carrie Newcomer
A Piece of Paper - Gladstone

First Air Date

Sanctity of Life - Vasu Murti - Part 2

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Vasu Murti


While I am not a vegetarian, I am a consistent life ethicist toward humans and am glad to hear a pro-life, pro-peace voice. My one disagreement is that from my experience, young catholic pro-lifers have actually been more receptive to the consistent life ethic, then young secular peace advocates. However, that is just my experience and I'm sure others have different ones.

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