Preserving Life & The Web of Meaning

Cover of The Web of Meaning

Jeremy Lent explores the way forward for humanity & all life on Earth by a deep dive into knowledge, connection, insight, and wisdom in his latest book, The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science & Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe. With a careful eye to the big picture, Jeremy scrutinizes the history, components, & insights, bringing them together to empower growth in life-affirming directions. Jeremy is a vastly widely-read, widely-questing powerhouse of discernment & clarity, finding the unity in perceived individual threads, in a discipline called Liology.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Buddhism, Confusionism, Earth-Based Spirituality, Jewish, Pantheist, Taoist

Episode Number


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Full Un-cut Interview With Jeremy Lent

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Preserving Life & The Web of Meaning

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Broadcast Date(s)


Jeremy Lent


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