Straddling Cultural Canyons: Nigeria-Hungary-USA

Cover of Daniel Mamah's book, As The Rivers Merge

As we travel over 3 continents in search of international understanding, connection, and peace, our guest is Daniel Mamah, and he is the author of As The Rivers Merge: A Story of Love, War, and Perseverance Across Continents. Daniel & his siblings were raised between their mother's Hungary, their father's Nigeria, and in a couple other countries, with all the intricacies of attitudes, culture, and history that result in the face of major differences of perspective. Daniel's ability to see and share nuances and complexities draws on his lived experience and is enhanced by his experience as a professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Anglican, Episcopal, Catholic

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Straddling Cultural Canyons: Nigeria-Hungary-USA

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Daniel Mamah


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