Rebuilding The American Dream With Thom Hartmann & Myron Buchholz

Cover of The Hidden History of the American Dream, by Thom Hartmann

Membership in the Middle Class has plummeted over the past 40 years, making the American Dream out-of-reach for a great many Americans. Thom Hartmann addresses the history, present, & possible future of this saga in his book, The Hidden History of The American Dream: The Demise of the Middle Class – And How to Rescue Our Future. In addition to our visit with Thom Hartmann, we speak to former History & World Studies teacher, Myron Buchholz, discussing the nuts & bolts of how we got here and how we can get back to a healthy & thriving American experience.

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Full, uncut American Dream with Thom Hartmann & Myron Buchholz

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Rebuilding The American Dream With Thom Hartmann & Myron Buchholz

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Thom Hartmann
Myron Buchholz


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