Membership in the Middle Class has plummeted over the past 40 years, making the American Dream out-of-reach for a great many Americans. Thom Hartmann addresses the history, present, & possible future of this saga in his book, The Hidden History of The American Dream: The Demise of the Middle Class – And How to Rescue Our Future.
US Democracy - Maybe/Maybe Not: Thom Hartmann & Myron Buchholz
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Thom Hartman just released his latest book, The Hidden History of American Democracy: Rediscovering Humanity's Ancient Way of Living, and it's full of the kind of historical scrutiny and keen analysis to expose and clarify the facts behind our much-vaun
Medical & Historical Advocacy for Medicare For All: Mark Neumann & Myron Buchholz
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National Healthcare has been an enduring electoral and life issue for many decades, with advocacy for Single Payer or Medicare For All platforms ever more popular. Myron Buchholz taught history in high schools for around 30 years, and he combines his historical perspective on the issue with his personal experience with the “healthcare” system to advocate for a single payer system in the US.
Enough is Enough! (Part 1)
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Inspirational stories of participants of the March For Our Lives in Washington DC & St Paul, Minnesota: Myron Buchholz, retired high school history teacher, Donna Wagner Backus, former high school math teacher who attended with her daughter & granddaughter, and Christine Ashley, Quaker Field Secretary for FCNL, who hosted marchers at their DC lobbying center.
3 Standing Rocks
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Three strong men among the thousands led to the confrontation with the DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) at Standing Rock. Myron Buchholz was born & raised in North Dakota, and both Ash Kyrie & Kevin Basl felt called to join the Oceti Sakowin Camp for a variety of reasons, including as part of the Veterans Stand.
200+ Years of Some Voters Matter
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There's a lot of questions, disgust & even despair about our elections, especially in this year's presidential contest. History teacher and recent congressional candidate Myron Buchholz can put the experience in context of 200+ years of democracy in the US. Why the electoral college, who could vote, how can people be prevented from voting, and do our votes count, historically and currently - these are some of the questions.
History of War - and the Alternatives
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Myron Buchholz brings real passion and personal insight to his teaching of high school History, particularly as it relates to war. He's spoken strongly against war since the early 1990's, but also brings respect and esteem to how he talks about our soldiers, including his daughter, currently serving in Iraq. He's a powerful, rational, dedicated voice speaking out against the error of war.