Each week, Spirit In Action brings you stories of people living lives of fruitful service, of peace, community, compassion, creative action and progressive efforts. We will trace the spiritual roots that support and nourish them in their service. Above all, we will seek out Light, Love and Helping Hands, being shared between our many neighbors on this planet, hoping to inspire and encourage you to sink deep roots and produce sacred fruit in your own life.

Spirit In Action is an hour of interviews with those providing leadership in peace, justice and "good works", interspersed with relevant music. The theme music is "The Turning of the World" performed by Sara Thomsen (written by Ruth Pellham).

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Preventing the 6th Mass Extinction: The Rescue Effect & Michael Mehta Webster

First Air Date

In his book, The Rescue Effect: The Key to Saving Life on Earth, Michael Mehta Webster has both hopeful & challenging news about the possibilities & ways we might mitigate the damage of Earth's 6th mass extinction event. Michael knows how it both can and does work to bring species back from the edge of extinction - or even after - and he knows the nitty-gritty of getting this done.

Black Birding, Poetry, Equity, Food Security, & Faith: Climate Changed

First Air Date

Guest-hosts today are from the Climate Changed podcast, Nicole Diroff & Ben Yosua-Davis, of the BTS Center, accompanied by Peterson Toscano. Their guests today are Maya Williams, the poet laureate of Portland, Maine, and Corina Newsome, who co-organized the very first #BlackBirdersWeek and who, in taking on racial injustice directly through activism, has challenged the straight-forward faith of her childhood.