Each week, Spirit In Action brings you stories of people living lives of fruitful service, of peace, community, compassion, creative action and progressive efforts. We will trace the spiritual roots that support and nourish them in their service. Above all, we will seek out Light, Love and Helping Hands, being shared between our many neighbors on this planet, hoping to inspire and encourage you to sink deep roots and produce sacred fruit in your own life.

Spirit In Action is an hour of interviews with those providing leadership in peace, justice and "good works", interspersed with relevant music. The theme music is "The Turning of the World" performed by Sara Thomsen (written by Ruth Pellham).

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Trans-Forming Proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence

First Air Date

Liam Michael Hooper's newly-released book, Trans-Forming Proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence, envisions & invokes a call for empowerment that is both lyrical & profound, experiential & visionary. Combining Spirit-centered passion, free-wheeling prose, & well-rooted expertise, Liam harnasses energy & determination to construct a mosaic with the full inclusion of all gender-transcendent people.

Practical Mystics & Heart of Oneness

First Air Date

Jennifer Kavanagh was caught up by a life-transforming Spirit, right at an age where many other people are just shifting into a lower gear, ready to coast the last stretch. After years of the normal study-family-professional life path, she was found by faith, which has included diverse tasks, like running a center for the poor and homeless, setting up micro-credit funding programs, and educating folks about simplicity & spiritual activism.

Learning Peace In Southeast Asia

First Air Date

Nadine Hoover has some 40 years experience working for and training people for peace, much of it in Southeast Asia. Having found that her work as an international project manager wasn't doing what she wanted, she immersed herself in the work of AVP - Alternatives to Violence Project, and major peace work and training with the Friends Peace Teams. With amazing, frightening, & inspirational stories, Nadine passes on tools for peace-making in the toughest places.