Larry Long is the kind of great musician who brings musicians together, hence his collaborations known as the American Roots Revue. Studs Terkel called Larry America's Troubadour. With flavors of folk, soul, blues, rock, and Native American music, and as a deeply passionate activist, Larry helps transport hearts and create programs like Elders' Wisdom Children's Song. Larry & the American Roots Revue will be performing on Weds, July 6, 2016, in St Joseph, MN, at the annual Friends General Conference Gathering.
Renegade Revelations Revolution
First Air Date
Jeff White wants musical revolutions constantly, and some non-musical revolutioning too. His style, self-dubbed, is Alt Country and Western Folk, but that's the tip of the iceberg. He's toured in 4 countries, recorded with Greg Brown, and opened for a Bernie Sanders rally, and he hosts a weekly open mic gathering for musicians 7 pm on Tuesdays at the Tomahawk Room in Chippewa Falls, WI.
Indigie Femme & Navajo Nation
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Tash Terry is half of Indigie Femme, a confluence of two powerful, spiritually-rooted, women of native tribes of the global north and south. Tash is from the Dine/Navajo Nation, roots she draws on to express identity, love, connection, gratitude, & joy.
Old Turtle and Earthsongs
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Douglas Wood has produced at least 8 CDs & is author of Old Turtle and at least 31 other books, often on themes of deep connection & respect for the Earth. These passions also guide his work as a wilderness guide. In addition to his solo music, he performs as part of the Wild Spirit Band.
Simple Aussie Folk
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Mandy Breeze and Doug Kelly take traditional folk tunes, mostly, and transform them into vibrant, living stories and culture. With rich, beautiful vocals and creative, engaging instrumentals, you'll discover a love for traditional songs with modern impact.
American Hunger
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Liam Robinson & Jean Rohe largely birthed their Hunger EP at the Crosshatch Center for Art & Ecology in Bellaire, Michigan, and a creative threshold was crossed into the duo called Robinson & Rohe. Their collaboration is a crucible for refining the American experience from many vantage points and creating a musical edifice of powerful lyrics, evocative harmonies, and consummate skill.
The Red Road (to Nashville?)
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Bill Miller is a 3-time Grammy Awards winner, a Mohican Indian from Northern Wisconsin, and a Nashville-based singer-songwritter of incredible & diverse musical talents. He'll be the headliner at LaCrosse, WI's Great River Folk Festival Sunday afternoon concert, August 27, 2017.
Hope & Change Rise Again
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Annie Patterson & Peter Blood support hope & change through their world-famous group singing books, Rise Up Singing and Rise Again. For close to 40 years they have been nurturing & leading group singing. Peter was editor for Pete Seeger's autobiography, Where Have all the Flowers Gone, and Annie performs in multiple configurations, including with Girls From Mars.
Charlie King - Reprise
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An old friend of Northern Spirit Radio, Charlie King, returns for the first time in nine years. Join us as this talented troubador shares his songs, stories, and trenchant wit with us and our listeners on Song of the Soul, tales from becoming a concientious objector as a Roman Catholic to being told by Pete Seeger to write a Woody Guthrie song.
White Buffalo Quest
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Rod MacDonald spins deeply emotional tapestry with his songs, a sort of emotional journalism, powerfully capturing the aspirations and angst of the listener. He was a principle in the 1980s folk revival in Greenwich village, co-founding the Greenwich Village Folk Festival. You'll find a couple of his songs in Rise Up Singing because of their penetrating & enduring power. Follow him on FaceBook.