Thom Hartman just released his latest book, The Hidden History of American Democracy: Rediscovering Humanity's Ancient Way of Living, and it's full of the kind of historical scrutiny and keen analysis to expose and clarify the facts behind our much-vaun
Thom Hartmann Exposes the Hidden History of the War on Voting
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Thom Hartmann is one of the most articulate voices of progressive radio in the USA, and he's a compelling writer as well. His most recent book is The Hidden History of the War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote and How to Get It Back combines history, current events, analysis, & insight into the most crucial threat to our representative democracy happening now.
El Poderoso Sueño de Eljuri
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Eljuri writes & performs music from a rich & diverse palette of musical & cultural influences. Born in Equador of a Lebanese pianist-composer mother & a Spanish actor father, and having grown up in Manhattan, NY, her music naturally draws on & fuses numerous styles & genres, powered by her evocative, mostly Spanish, lyrics & powerful guitar. Eljuri was the winner of the 2018 Songs for Social Change competition.
Inviting Democracy Back
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Our democratic republic has been seriously undermined, particularly over the past 10-15 years, but fortunately there are people like Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause - Wisconsin, working diligently to rebuild the structures of democracy. Common Cause works nationally for government of, by, and for the people by fighting against gerrymandering, voter suppression, & buying elections, and working for ethics, accountability, & voting rights.
200+ Years of Some Voters Matter
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There's a lot of questions, disgust & even despair about our elections, especially in this year's presidential contest. History teacher and recent congressional candidate Myron Buchholz can put the experience in context of 200+ years of democracy in the US. Why the electoral college, who could vote, how can people be prevented from voting, and do our votes count, historically and currently - these are some of the questions.
Progressive Voice for Democracy Matt Rothschild
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A powerful advocate for democracy and progressive causes, Matt Rothschild led The Progressive Magazine for most of 32 years, and in now Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. Matt has a birds-eye view of the nuts and bolts of government, elections, & the success or failure of democracy.
Civil Rights Pilgrimage
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A visit with a student participant of, the UW-EC staff founder of, and a Selma, AL, presenter of the Civil Rights Pilgrimage.
Love Your Planet Comedy Night
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Improvisational humor is an awesome tool used by The Theater of Public Policy ( to find new ways forward in public discourse. Co-founded by Tane Danger & Brandon Boat in 2011, they've tackled a surprisingly wide variety of issues with their creative and disarming approach, including farm policy, robotics, clean water, and religion. Back on Feb 15th they performed for the Love Your Planet Comedy Night sponsored by Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light.