Reasons for Hope

First Air Date

Betsy Raasch-Gilman has a lifetime of experience as an activist, feminist, anarchist, Quaker, and change-maker, so she has seen the ups-and-downs of organizing and burn-out. Hearing of the exhaustion of activists in the current political turmoil, she gathered her resources and shared a presentation on Reasons for Hope.

Mesoamerica Resiste: Beyond Colonialism

First Air Date

Tyler Norman and The Beehive Collective are tackling the big issues, like globalization, climate change, and the danger of extinction in creative and decentralized ways. Grown out of the anti-WTO movements and with an eye to encouraging, energizing methods of spurring change, an important approach to spreading the word has been super-sized graphic creations which empower alternative story-telling. Their largest project to-date has been Mesoamerica Resiste.