How does one learn about the alternatives to paying half your federal income tax to the military? Lincoln Rice, coordinator for the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee ( sent out a message about groups doing that kind of education around Tax Day 2019.
Love Thy Neighbor Advocacy
First Air Date
Government of, by, & for the People is built by the kind of Spirit that Christine Ashley & Katie Breslin draw on to make flourish the work of FCNL, as Quaker Field Secretary & Young Adult Program Manager, respectively. They make advocacy rewarding & lively from their offices facing the Hart Senate Office Building in D.C.
Justice Work Among Friends
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Lucy Duncan does work that touches on all of the important issues of the day, like Palestine, Racism, and Immigration, in her role as Friends Relations Director for the AFSC.
Number 1 in America - Song/Stories to Change Hearts
First Air Date
David Massengill paints a griping and moving picture of the USA through his music - of race, immigrants, adoption, and much more. Instead of speechifying about politics, David brings change by involving listeners in real stories that move our hearts, all the more powerful because of his Tennessee vernacular and accent.
Living Illegal - The Human Face of Unauthorized Immigration
First Air Date
Marie Friedmann Marquardt is co-author of Living Illegal - The Human Face of Unauthorized Immigration, a book that combines head & heart to look at the realities around this political whipping boy of an issue. Marie is currently scholar-in-residence at Emory University's Candler School of Theology in Atlanta, Georgia.
I Ain't Marching Anymore - A Sister's Tribute to Phil Ochs
First Air Date
Sonny Ochs, sister to folk legend Phil Ochs, has helped carry forward the powerful legacy of Phil's music. On almost every topic - war, prejudice, immigration, etc - the songs are as meaningful today as back in the 60-70's. Just released, the documentary, Phil Ochs: There But For Fortune.