There's excitement as science seeks ways back from the brink of climate disaster. Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio talkes with Dr. Michael L Curry & Dr.
Ep 19 Promoting Health and Bee Populations
First Air Date
Climate Change stirs up a lot of emotions! How do these feelings affect each of us? How do we cope? How do we move past paralyzing despair to a place of hope and action? Also, we hear from a sculptor using her art to save bee populations.
Citizens' Climate Radio Ep 18 Aaron Telitz Race Driver and Climate Advocate
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Today on the show you are going to meet an unlikely climate advocate, Aaron Telitz--an Indy car racer. Originally from Birchwood, WI, Aaron grew up at a fishing resort and could filet a bluegill fish in 25 seconds.
Citizens Climate Radio Ep 10 Aaron Thier and a global warming novel
First Air Date
Storytelling is a vital skill to have when talking about climate change. Through his new climate change-themed book Mr. Eternity, Aaron Thier takes readers on a 1,000 year odyssey. The main character calls himself Daniel Defoe. We never learn his real name. Old Dan can't seem to die. Five different narrators in five different periods from 1500 to 2500 bump into this traveler. Aaron talks about the novel and reads excerpts. Also, poet and environmentalist, Clara Fang, reads her poem, Love in the Time of Climate Change.
Duh, We Are The Children
First Air Date
For those of us who want to motivate our friends to climate advocacy, we often look for a silver bullet — that perfect talking point that will get people on board. One of the most popular is, We need to think about future generations.
Beginnings and Transformations
First Air Date
Welcome to the first episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio.