Recently some climate communication experts have been freaking out about freaking out. In reaction to a New York Magazine article, The Uninhabitable World, by David Wallace-Wells, a big debate is raging about fear tactics when talking about climate change.
Ep 9 Rebel or Advocate featuring Eileen Flanagan
First Air Date
Climate Thought, Poetry, Talk, Price, Music & Radio
First Air Date
Guest host for the week is Peterson Toscano of Citizens' Climate Radio, speaking with Chandler Green on discussing climate issues with Republicans, poet & writer Lilace Mellin Guignard, Elke Arnesen of the Put A Price On It campaign, Dr. Natasha DeJarnett on the health risks of a warmer planet, Dr.
Cloud of Witnesses
First Air Date
Climate Change — what’s faith got to do with it? To dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and respond to a rapidly changing planet, people of faith and religious leaders play essential roles. Citizens’ Climate Radio host Peterson Toscano introduces you to two people of faith who are active climate advocates.
Duh, We Are The Children
First Air Date
For those of us who want to motivate our friends to climate advocacy, we often look for a silver bullet — that perfect talking point that will get people on board. One of the most popular is, We need to think about future generations.
Beginnings and Transformations
First Air Date
Welcome to the first episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio.