The Rachel Corrie Foundation continues the work and witness of Rachel, killed at the age of 23. She was in Palestine as part of the International Solidarity Movement, serving as a "human shield", protecting Palestinians and their homes.
Mary Rehwald - Ashland ECO-Municipality and The Natural Step
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Mary Rehwald spear-headed the successful effort of the city council to declare Ashland, WI an ECOmunicipality, incorporating the Natural Step process. Mary is a member of Ashland's City Council and a Northland College faculty member. A life-long Unitarian, she has a special spiritual calling toward building community. She has a stong connection to caring for the earth and living responsibly upon it.
Eau Claire Action Network
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Virginia Wolf is active in the effort of FairWisconsin to defeat the proposed constitutional amendment to narrowly define marital status and rights in Wisconsin. Virginia is a Unitarian Universalist minister in Eau Claire, and about 30 years into her partnership and marriage with another woman.
National Peace Foundation - Sarah Harder & Olga Bessolova
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Sarah Harder is the President of the National Peace Foundation, and Olga Bessolova is a Russian-born, Soviet-raised activist with the organization. They "Build Foundations for Peace" through a number of programs in Russia, the Middle East, Africa, the USA and elsewhere.
Marty Webb/Nonviolent Peaceforce
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Marty Webb has spent the last 6 months in Sri Lanka with his wife, Rita, where she's been serving the Nonviolent Peaceforce since 2003. Marty, raised Catholic, was refused CO status during the Vietnam War, and ended up convicted for refusing induction.