Part one of a rich assortment of guests & original music of some Winter Holidays, like the Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, and the New Year.
Coming Alive to David LaMotte
First Air Date
David Lamotte returns today for Song of the Soul. If you've listened to our previous visits with David, you'll know why we were eager to welcome him back. Through his music that is so clearly rooted, both in place, in meaning, and in Spirit, David enchants.
Wonder, Mystery, Beauty, & Christmas in the Ashram
First Air Date
Chris Rosser moved to Asheville, NC, to be close to the folk music scene there, even as he performs as a jazz musician, and as part of the world-fusion trio, Free Planet Radio - and produces music for others.
A Muslim, a Jew, & a Christian walk into a concert hall...
First Air Date
Abraham Jam is the confluence of David LaMotte, Billy Jonas, & Dawud Wharnsby, channeling their gifts together for an honest & resplendent harmony. This is what happens when a Muslim, a Jew, & a Christian walk into a concert hall, arm-in-arm, as brothers.
Soul of 2017 Starter Kit
First Air Date
A rich sampling of the wonderful songs & guests of the first half of 2017, including Radmilla Cody, Irfan Ali Taj, Ashley Mazanec, Nici Peper, Billy Jonas, and Jean Rohe. An incredibly rich potluck of musical dishes!
Neo-tribal Hootenanny
First Air Date
Billy Jonas is more fun and spiritual depth than you can hardly imagine. Sometimes described as doing neo-tribal hootenanny, industrial re-percussion, and soul-spelunking, he started as part of the Oberlin College Big Bang Theory performance art collective, was part of The Billys, sometimes shares as part of the Abraham Jam, and is at the core of the Billy Jonas Band.
Peace Love Advocate Network
First Air Date
There are many ways to participate in world healing, among them by inspiring us to come together - even folks from the other side, and what better way to do that with song, humor, compassion, and Billy Jonas. Billy is a creative genius and musical pied piper, leading us where we need to go, and doing it by example, not lecture.
Past/current religious/spiritual influences: