Dean Magraw is some kind of awesome on the guitar, not just technically, but spiritually. Dean defies labels and limites - musically & spiritually - with one review saying, quite accurately that Dean is a Jazz cat, a folkie, a rock star, a front-porch bluegrass picker, a bluesman, ... and more. He's located in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, but the universe is his oyster.
Everything You Need
First Air Date
Tonia Hughes brings us music of and for the soul, taking us through a journey of faith and fruits in the face of true hardships, like the early death of her husband. Raised in St Louis, for the past 20 years Tonia has been blessing the Twin Cities with her music. You can find her Gospel, Blues, Jazz, R&B, Rock and Worship music on
Silver Linings in the Blues
First Air Date
The Charles Walker Band and the R&B/Blues/Jazz/Etc music that they play lead us to the shiny center of all things. Charles writes love-and-hope-oriented sunny blues, the fruit of his spiritual growth starting from Evangelical Christianity, through Buddhism & Taoism, and flourishing in personal motivation and Mastermind.
Moxieville is Top Heavy - Dooley Noted!
First Air Date
Megan Dooley is a home-town, Kalamazoo, woman with sultry, bluesy, vocals and great guitar that she's contributed to the groups she's been part of - Dooley Noted, Top Heavy and, now, Moxieville (on Facebook or on SoundCloud). A passionate advocate of local music, Kalamazoo has a worthy and successful tradition to uphold, and Megan embraces and fulfills it!
Blue Pills and Butterflies - Annie Lanzillotto's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Annie Lanzillotto rocks it! Soulful, quirky, sweet, brash, indomitable, she produces a variety of art - 3 rock/blues/spoken word CDs (Blue Pill, Carry My Coffee, and Eleven Recitations), a memoir, L is for Lion: An Italian Bronx Butch Freedom Memoir, a book of poetry, Schistsong, and much more performance art, some available on her site.
Standing At The Sunrise - Ellen Whyte's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Ellen Whyte mostly hangs out in Portland, but recently toured Wisconsin's Chippewa Valley with Sue Orfield. She combines her beautiful voice & great musicians with a powerful personal understanding - of the blues, of rhythm, and of turning her life around. She's someone you want to know, both as a musician & as a person.
Blues for Peace - Davey J's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
David M. Jones, English Professor is the not-so-secret identity of Davey J, bluesman & singer/songwriter. With his band, the Jonestones, he makes music to move you and, hopefully, to move you to insight & peace.
Derek Lamson's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Derek Lamson is a bluesy, spiritual, free-wheelin' kind of guy with a sure sense of the ministry he's been called to. His music talks of the joy he's attained, but also of his struggles, like those with addiction and divorce.