A different format Song of the Soul - a recording of a Taizé style worship service filled with music, words and silence. We've abridged the silences for this radio broadcast, but encourage you to try them with full silence to experience the power of the worship.
Dennis Warner's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Singer/songwriter Dennis Warner has 8 recordings under his belt and just one children's book, Beads On One String, named for one of his songs. Dennis joined us from Chicago's Dominican University where he was invited as a performer for a New Thought conference.
Chris Pfeiffer's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Chris Pfeiffer is a singer/songwriter from Southern Texas who found his career as a songwriter for the country music market interrupted by a spiritual awakening to the universal presence and blessing of God.
Scott Beck's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Scott Beck has been in a wide assortment of bands since high school, from folk to rock to blues and cycling back, now to acoustic guitar. Raised Catholic, disaffected from religion for many years, he's now found a spiritual home with enough heart and wide enough walls to include his beliefs in New Thought churches.
Bob Franke's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Bob Franke has decades of experience writing songs that vividly capture the experience of the human heart and spirit, enough so that at least one of his songs made it into the Friends Hymnal that came out in 1996. His latest CD, The Other Evening In Chicago is available at the waterbug.com site.
Carlton Schreiner's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Carlton has spent the past 2 years at an ashram in California, finding his way forward in his spiritual life. He's produced a CD Love Is The Cure that shares music he's been given, freeing him to skip past the ego battles that were such a part of his work as a counselor.
Annabella Wood's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
During nearly 30 years of driving trucks Annabella was pulled into deep spiritual introspection. One of the outcroppings of this was prolific songwriting on spiritual matters. With her partner at the time, Bobbie Bush, she formed the singing duo "Sweet Spirit". Annabella continues singing solo now delving into the challenge of balancing physical life with spiritual being.
Sally Rogers' Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Sally Rogers has been sharing her music with the world for at least 3 decades, has more than a dozen recordings, and some of her songs have been included in both the Unitarian and Quaker hymnals. She teaches music in Connecticut and is a singer/songwriter on weekends and in the summer.
Dana Tock's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Dana had a life-changing experience in 1991 when God gave her the first of her Christian songs, after years with secular bands. Since then she's been given more than 100 songs and will have a release concert for her first solo CD, Leap of Faith, on November 17th.
Carol Johnson's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Carol Johnson has been producing music for adults and children for decades and her music has even been featured on Sesame Street and in national hymnals and curricula. Among the powerful, moving and insightful spiritual music she has created is the theme song for our Spirit In Action programs, "I Have No Hands But Yours." She lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, performing and touring extensively.