Part one of a rich assortment of guests & original music of some Winter Holidays, like the Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, and the New Year.
The Smiling & Healing 12-string of Ann Reed
First Air Date
Ann Reed is a rich & wonderful source of music, stories, and even a book now - check out Citizens of Campbell. She's been a mainstay of the women's and folk music scene in the Twin Cities of MN area for 40 years now, having produced some 24 albums.
Riveting & Sisterly – Deborah Silverstein
First Air Date
Deborah Silverstein is a gem and a beacon. She started out musically in the heady early days of women's music, in the 1970s, as part of the Red Basement Singers, and the New Harmony Sisterhood Band.
A Voice for Women - Cris Williamson's Song of the Soul
First Air Date
Cris Williamson has played an important role as one of the prominent voices of feminism and lesbians, including her part in founding the first women's record label. With more than 20 CDs, Cris has been prolific and fertile for many hearts. And, of course, her song has been our theme music since day 1.