In this eye-opening episode, guest-hosted by Keisha McKenzie, Nicole Diroff, Allen Ewing-Merrill, and Ben Yosua Davis of the BTS Center and their Climate Changed Podcast, they bring you an enlightening conversation with
Tackling Inequalities & Injustice in Faithful Sociologist Hands: Susan Cozzens
First Air Date
Susan Cozzens has a long pedigree of working for social change through public policy research and advocacy. Her Ph.D.
Love Thy Neighbor Advocacy
First Air Date
Government of, by, & for the People is built by the kind of Spirit that Christine Ashley & Katie Breslin draw on to make flourish the work of FCNL, as Quaker Field Secretary & Young Adult Program Manager, respectively. They make advocacy rewarding & lively from their offices facing the Hart Senate Office Building in D.C.
Youth & Anti-Gun Violence
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Part 2 of visits with participants of the March For Our Lives witness in St Paul, MN, Eau Claire, WI, and Washington, DC, with special focus on the voices & work of youth. Bonni Knight taught HS French & public speaking skills for many years & writes for VolumeOne, ZariaWhitacre has been active with a number of clubs & organizations, among them Amnesty International, and Thomas Finegar's passion is theater at Atholtan HS in Columbia, MD.
Enough is Enough! (Part 1)
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Inspirational stories of participants of the March For Our Lives in Washington DC & St Paul, Minnesota: Myron Buchholz, retired high school history teacher, Donna Wagner Backus, former high school math teacher who attended with her daughter & granddaughter, and Christine Ashley, Quaker Field Secretary for FCNL, who hosted marchers at their DC lobbying center.
From the Battlefields of Iraq to Capitol Hill
First Air Date
Matt Southworth was a wrestler in high school, fought as a U.S. Army intelligence analyst in Iraq after graduation, and now conducts legislative battles for peace on Capitol Hill.