Dr Robert Holmes is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Rochester in NY, with a specialty in peace and nonviolence who has taught, written and spoken extensively on related topics.
Racial Innocence - Civil Rights, Racism, Dolls & Uncle Tom's Cabin
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Robin Bernstein traces the roots & mechanisms of racism in Racial Innocence: Performing American Childhood from Slavery to Civil Rights. Robin's piercing analysis and thorough research ferret out gems of both fact and insight, providing powerful resources for those working to reduce racism and its propaganda.
Welcoming LGBT and the Other - Equality Wisconsin Voices of Faith Project
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Lizzi Dahlk, Voices of Faith Coordinator of Equality Wisconsin, works to unite people of faith in making Wisconsin a more welcoming & just place for LGBT folks and all folks who get treated as "Other". Today she's joined by David Huber of Plymouth UCC and Scott Miller of First Lutheran Church, both in Eau Claire.
Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights
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The topic is race, racism & religion, both within Quaker meetings and in America at-large. Paul Kriese co-ediited Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights, and he draws on his experience growing up in a black neighborhood and his academic formation in Political Science and Peace Studies to shine the Light on race relations.
Been to Jail for Justice - Anne Feeney
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Anne Feeney is a rabble rouser activist whose music is zeroed in on exposing the failings and promoting the positive possibilities for our world. She's a modern union maid and hellraiser, working for the people and against war, injustice, corporate greed and much more.
On the Ground in Afghanistan - Santwana Dasgupta
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Santwana Dasgupta is Director of the Partnership for the Education of Children in Afghanistan (P.E.C.A) for the past 2 years, working from Kabul. The path to Afghanistan grew from her youth in India, the events of 9-11 and from her work with Friends for a Non-violent World (FNVW).
Music Featured:
Come to School Afghani girls - Atai Sheery
Beyond Diversity 101
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Niyonu Spann began leading Beyond Diversity 101 workshops after about 10 years as a diversity workshop facilitator. In this new approach, Niyonu uses mixed modes, song, movement, body work, etc, to move in new directions of growth following knowledge of racism from all sides. Among other things, Niyonu makes music with Tribe1.
Music Featured:
I Wish I Knew How/Wade In The Water - Niyonu Spann & FGC Workshop
The Freedom Song of Sara Thomsen
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Sara Thomsen is strongly called to heal the world through her music. One of her songs, "Is It For Freedom", has been heard repeatedly on Democracy Now, because of its poignant call for our nation's self-examination following 9-11. Her concerns are wide - women, LGBT issues, care for creation, peace and more - and she writes and sings with soul-deep sensitivity.
All the songs in this program are performed by Sara Thomsen
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - Cheryl Thiede
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Cheryl Thiede is the associate director of social services for the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, - ARCW.org or 836-7710. Raised Moravian, she is now part of Eau Claire 's Unitarian Universalist Congregation.
Katherine Schneider - Adventures in Living With Disabilities
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Katherine is retired from her career as a clinical psychologist and author of To The Left of Inspiration: Adventures in living with disabilities. Blind from birth, Katherine has powerful insight into the dynamics of disabilities in our society.