El Poderoso Sueño de Eljuri

First Air Date

Eljuri writes & performs music from a rich & diverse palette of musical & cultural influences. Born in Equador of a Lebanese pianist-composer mother & a Spanish actor father, and having grown up in Manhattan, NY, her music naturally draws on & fuses numerous styles & genres, powered by her evocative, mostly Spanish, lyrics & powerful guitar. Eljuri was the winner of the 2018 Songs for Social Change competition.

Artists Changing the World

First Air Date

Music by 6 of the top 13 finalists of the 2018 Songs of Social Change contest, rich in world-changing energy and genres, with influences from Canada, Equador, Japan, New Mexico, and everywhere. December 1, 2019 is deadline for the this year's contest.. Songs of Social Change is a project of the Renaissance Artists and Writers Association (RAWA.net), led by Dada Veda, part of Ananda Marga.

Whiskey & Resistance

First Air Date

Jason Horowitz of The Whiskey Farm penned the tune that beat out 100's of competitors to win the Songs for Social Change 2017 contest. Weekdays he's mild-mannered child psychologist Dr. Horowitz, but on stage he and the other musicians of The Whiskey Farm exert superpowers of joy, healing, & transformation through Americana music flavored with country, rock, & bluegrass highlights.