The issue on most everyone’s mind right now is Coronavirus or Covid-19. We are witnessing a massive social and political transformation as we respond to the outbreak of the virus. Individuals have rapidly and radically changed their behaviors—from washing hands to self-isolating. Nations and local authorities are each taking their part to stop the spread of this disease. We see in real time how quickly and effectively we can adapt to a crisis.
Ep 45 How to Engage Young People in Your Climate Group--A Success Story
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Concerned about climate change, Princeton University student, Jonathan Lu, and his friends became excited about a particular solution: Carbon Fee and Dividend.
Ep 44 The Extraordinary Marshall Saunders
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On October 20th 2007, after having a revelation about the severity of climate change, Marshall Saunders launched Citizens Climate Lobby. He then inspired over one hundred thousand everyday citizens to appeal directly to members of congress. He helped empower them to offer a bold and straight forward solution to address climate change. Everyone who met Marshall, heard him speak, and worked beside him walked way with determination and a deeper belief in their own ability to change in the world.
Joseph and the Not So Amazing Disaster Relief Plan -- Genesis 47
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Peterson shares the story of Joseph from Genesis chapter 47. Long after the incident with the coat of many colors (which is quite possibly a princess dress) Joseph is in Egypt. Through his gift of dream analysis, he predicts a famine, and then proposes an adaptation plan. While his plan is effective, it is totally unjust.
Biodegradable Plastic & Anthropocene Pastoral
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There's excitement as science seeks ways back from the brink of climate disaster. Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio talkes with Dr. Michael L Curry & Dr.
Ep 40 Fashion and Climate Change with Tatiana Schlossberg and Climate Poetry with Catherine Pierce
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Tatiana Schlossberg is the author of the new book, Inconspicuous Consumption.
Ep 38 CCR Lew Blaustein and the Green Sports Movement
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Lew Blaustien, editor of Green Sports Blog, is very concerned about climate change. A sports nut since childhood, Lew began a career in sportscasting, and eventually settled into the marketing side of professional sports.
Ep 37 CCR Ep 37 Baseball, Circus, and Climate Change with MLB pitcher Brent Suter and circus artist Eliana Dunlap
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In this episode we feature two people with very unconventional jobs. Milwaukee Brewers pitcher, Brent Suteris concerned about climate change. He is using his platform to speak out.
Ep. 36: Extraordinary Climate Advocates -- Sam Daley Harris, Glen Retief
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Citizens’ Climate Radio is a monthly podcast hosted by CCL volunteer Peterson Toscano.
Morality & the Environmental Crisis
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Roger Gottlieb brings piecing, passionate, comprehensible analysis to our looming environmental disaster, its root causes, and possible ways forward in the newly released book, Morality & the Environmental Crisis.