Jerusalem Women Speaking tour - Jewish, Muslim, & Christian Middle Eastern tour
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Mike Boehm - Vietnam Peace Park and Loan Fund
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Cathy Sultan - A Beirut Heart
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Cathy Sultan is the author of 2 books about Lebanon and the Middle East. She moved to Beirut with her Lebanese husband in 1969, at the age of 26. Her 14 years there included the first 8 years of the Lebanese civil war. Her first-hand experience with and love of the Middle East, with the Muslims, Jews and Christians of that ravaged land and of the US make her an invaluable resource and inspiration for peace work in that region.
CV Draft and Military Counseling Network
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Steve Wagener had a history of political activism, but he had to be jarred out of a period of dormant passions by the combination of his son's unwilling role in the military and Steve's reaction to the manipulations leading up to our invasion of Iraq. His early Catholic foundation serves him well as he has stepped to the front lines of anti-war activism in the Chippewa Valley.