Return of the Banjo

February 23, 2021

Mother Banjo (Ellen Stanley) is wonderful. In addition to her musical career, she is executive director of the Minnesota Music Coalition, and does a weekly show on station KFAI called Womenfolk. She writes all kinds of great music, with a special gift for creating new & impeccable gospel songs. She's shared the stage with many folks, among them Robert Bly and Tracy Grammar, and is coming near the end of fund-raising for her 5th album with a Kickstarter Campaign.

Soul-food from Kitchener & the Qur'an

October 8, 2021

For great folk music north-of-the-border, Dawud Wharnsby is the one. Homeboy of Kitchener, Ontario, with roots also in Syria and Pakistan, Dawud weaves nature, vulnerability, faith, truth, and universality into song, integrally linked to the Islamic path he walks. Occasionally he performs as part of the Abraham Jam, a Jewish-Christian-Muslim collaboration trio.

Mysticism Meets Folk, Country, & World Music

February 23, 2021

Dada Veda uses a couple different taglines. One is Meditation, Music and Social Vision, and the other is Eastern Mysticism meets folk, country, and world music. He is a monk at the Ananda Liina Spiritual Eco-Community in Urbana, Illinois, where he teaches meditation and promotes the activism of his community through music. He is central in the work of RAWA (Renaissance Artists & Writers Association) and their Songs for Social Change contest, and broadcasts music on-line via

Grown With Vitamin L

February 23, 2021

Jan Nigro has been growing healthy kids for 30 years with his musical group and project called Vitamin L. If you're daunted by their intention to produce positive character development through music, think again, because you'll experience songs that are beautiful, fun, & inspirational. Jan lives in Ithaca, NY, and comes from a very musical family, including a jazz-oriented dad, classical-focused mother, plus his immensely talented sister, Laura Nyro. Spend an hour and walk a mile with Jan Nigro & Vitamin L.