Kerry Patrick Clark in no way claims to be a perfect guy, but he aims his music to inspire the world in that direction. His folk-singer/songwriter pedigre is deep & long, and it overlaps seamlessly with the spirituality of his very part-time day job as Director of Contemporary Music at the Maumee United Methodist Church. His home stomping grounds are the Toledo region of Ohio.
Rape Hurts Uganda
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Hellen Lunkuse Waiswa Tanyinga is a women's (and human) rights pioneer in Uganda and the founder of the Rape Hurts Foundation. At the age of 11 she was raped while doing the tradtionally female job of hauling water, and she transformed that pain into healing & power for herself, women, and all abused people.
What God Has Joined - One Man, One Woman?
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Reflections on proposed legislation defining marriage as "one man, one woman". What is kind, good and necessary - and what is God's will?
Welcoming LGBT and the Other - Equality Wisconsin Voices of Faith Project
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Lizzi Dahlk, Voices of Faith Coordinator of Equality Wisconsin, works to unite people of faith in making Wisconsin a more welcoming & just place for LGBT folks and all folks who get treated as "Other". Today she's joined by David Huber of Plymouth UCC and Scott Miller of First Lutheran Church, both in Eau Claire.
Eco-Justice, Queer Commentary & the Hebrew Bible
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Dr. Ken Stone of Chicago Theological Seminary leads workshops on Eco-Justice & The Hebrew Bible and he's written and edited several books including Practicing Safer Texts: Food, Sex and Bible in Queer Perspective. His analysis is spiritual fuel for lives of justice.