Guest-host Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio visits with 5 guests: Andrew Stuhl, associate professor of environmental studies and sciences at Bucknell University; Jaso
Doom & Bloom With Extinction Rebellion
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Extinction Rebellion has a take on addressing the climate crisis that is refreshing, since their plan is to step pass the log-jam of the political process in the US, and taking the power right back to the people. And instead of talking about things like carbon neutrality by 2050 or the like, their plan is to do it by 2025.
Morality & the Environmental Crisis
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Roger Gottlieb brings piecing, passionate, comprehensible analysis to our looming environmental disaster, its root causes, and possible ways forward in the newly released book, Morality & the Environmental Crisis.
A New Money Story
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Howard Switzer speaks powerfully on the need for monetary reform stemming from learning & connection with the American Monetary Institute and the Alliance for Just Money.
Transforming Economics & Defending Family Farms
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John Peck is Executive Director of Family Farm Defenders, which supports sustainable agriculture, farm worker rights, animal welfare, consumer safety, fair trade, & food sovereignty. In addition, John teaches Economics "against the text" and also Environmental Studies at Madison College, runs a farm, does poetry, and thinks deeply.
Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Catholic Worker, Pagan, Unitarian Universalist
Whose World is This?
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A key element to changing the world is having a voice, and that is what Jim Page provides for a wide variety of Peace & Justice efforts, using his bully pulpit to call for free speech, freedom from corporate tyranny, and much more. Since the 1970's Jim has broadcast the message loud and clear from ground zero in Seattle, WA.
Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
My Rap Name is Alex
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Alex Mead is My Rap Name Is Alex, and he makes world-healing rap/hip-hop music in Buffalo, NY. A year-round bicyclist in a snowy land, a member of Bloodthirsty Vegans, and a reformed computer programmer, Alex combines tech savy with peace-justice-environmental passions to create absorbing music & videos. Subscribe to his YouTube channel here.
Old Turtle and Earthsongs
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Douglas Wood has produced at least 8 CDs & is author of Old Turtle and at least 31 other books, often on themes of deep connection & respect for the Earth. These passions also guide his work as a wilderness guide. In addition to his solo music, he performs as part of the Wild Spirit Band.
Visions of Sustainability
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We ask 3 sustainable energy professionals about their visions of our future, both technologically and personally, living responsibly on the Earth. We speak with Jeff Knutsen of A-A Exteriors, Jim Olson of E3 Coalition, and Zeus Stark of Next Step Energy. Who and how will we be as we grow into a responsible energy future?
Chippewa Valley Earth Keepers
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The dramatic events at the Standing Rock Reservation are inspiring support for the work there, but also in many places across the country where the same kind of work is needed to care for our land, water, & future. The Chippewa Valley Earth Keepers (CVEK) were birthed in September, 2016, and have hit the ground running, making both practical and inspirational differences for our Earth, and core members Mary & Rob share the growing story of CVEK.