Tom Draughon
Big Top Jig from Way Up North: Tom Draughon

Tom Draughon has written & performed music for more than half a century, on his own, on all kinds of stringed and keyboard instruments, and as part of a wide variety of groups, including Wild OatsSecond WindIndian SummerTake 3TrueGrass Trio<

Dan Wolff & Sarah Vos
Feeling the World's Heart with Dead Horses & Dan Wolff

Dan Wolff, along with Sarah Vos, have been the stable nucleus of Dead Horses since the band's inception. I interviewed Sarah back in 2016, fell in love with their music, so I'm so excited to have Dan here to share more of the riches they've created in the ensuing 7 years. Every song they share is an opportunity to feel deeply the heart of the world, and to be part of its healing as well. Dan was a punk rocker back in high school, but broadened his musical smorgasbord to include the folk-Americana flavors of Dead Horses, which he enhances with his upright bass.

Jim Bear Jacobs
Sacred Sites Tours & Native Healing: Jim Bear Jacobs

Jim Bear Jacobs & other Native Americans lead Sacred Sites Tours in the area around the Twin Cities of Minnesota. He is a founder and convener of Healing Minnesota Stories, and he's also a member of the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation in central Wisconsin.

Peter Phippen & Ivar Lunde
Primordial Forest in Skyline Studio: Peter Phippen & Ivar Lunde, Jr.

Today for Song of the Soul, Peter Phippen & Ivar Lunde, Jr., are sharing music & stories they've created together. Peter has been with us a few times before (including March 2009October 2014, and April 2019), but this is the 1st time we are welcoming Ivar.

Bill Durland
Speaking Truth to Power With 92 Years of Witness

There was an article by Bill Durland in the May/June 2023 issue of Western Friend called Martyrs for Conscience's Sake (and there is also a podcast of a visit with Bill) which provides a very short history of those martyred as they “spoke truth to power”.

Man looking at an open book with glowing fiberoptic lights
The Best New Climate Change Books and PodcastsAs a climate advocate, you want to stay well informed, up to date, and equipped in the work you do. On today’s show the Citizens’ Climate Radio Team will help you do just that. In today’s show they feature the newest and best books and podcasts related to climate advocacy. They also speak to the creators behind these excellent new resources. 
Annette Wasilik
Love, Fire, & Two Redwoods

Annette Wasilik's love affair with the guitar & song began in her mid-teens, but has only come into the fullest sunshine & blossom over the past 10 years, releasing two full albums. She is all about healing, including the balm to the heart & soul that come through her voice, lyrics, & guitar, but she also is a healer through her energy & massage work. Annette works her musical magic from her base in Takoma Park, MD.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Native American, Earth-Based Spirituality, Eastern, Meditation

All featured music is written & performed by Annette Wasilik:

Chincoteague - from Love & Fire 2020

Highway - from Love & Fire 2020

Deeper Yata - Yata's 2nd Song of the Soul

Yata has been a decades-long feature of the music scene in the Chippewa Valley region of Wisconsin, and an inveterate collaborator with so very many musicians of the area, enhancing his own songwriting, guitar, and wonderful singing skills with all kinds of instruments and harmonies. You might well call Yata a folk-music-plus performer, because he can do it all, including the more offbeat jazz, blues, and other styles. Yata is a people enhancer, but he's also deeply linked to the land and the water and the other creatures of this Earth.

Caleb Horne
Bluegrass from Clear Water: Caleb Horne

Caleb Horne grew up steeped in music, playing the piano, alto saxophone, guitar, mandolin, and more. Along the way he got severely bitten by the bluegrass bug. He has played solo and in numerous configurations, including as part of the Original Midwest Grass BandEvergreen Grass BandThistledownJFT Party Band, and The Woodland Spring. More than 20 years into his music career, he's never been in greater demand.

Geoffrey Gates
Final Reflections on Vietnam, the Peace Corps, Real Peace, & Terminal Cancer

I interviewed Geoffrey Gates back in 2017 about some of the notable experiences of his life, including his service with the International Voluntary Service in the war zone of Vietnam in 1971, and his service with the Peace Corps after his retirement from about 40 years as a doctor. A couple years ago he learned he has a terminal cancer, so he wrote A Memoir: Final Reflections, not for profit, but for personal clarity & perspective, and in which he shows so much more of the deep currents of his life.