Helen Tiffin and a wallaby
The College Carbon Fee and Dividend Climate Change MovementIn episode 88 of Citizens’ Climate Radio, we dive into the passion and action of young climate activists, exploring their journeys from concern to meaningful action. Host, Peterson Toscano leads the conversation, spotlighting the endeavors of students like Emily O’Keefe and Helen Tiffin in fostering awareness about climate change and feasible solutions, focusing particularly on the carbon fee and dividend policy.
Cover of Holy Censorship or Mistranslation?
Love, Gender, & Sexuality In The Bible - Reclaiming Truth

The religious soup we grow up in affects all of us. Sometimes the influences are helpful and favorable, but especially for those off the mainstream, they can be very painful and alienating. Even passages from holy books, initially innocent or positive, can by so badly misconstrued as to become life-threatening. K. Renato Lings tackles the texts of the Bible that have been particularly hurtful to LGBTQ folks, using serious scholarship and analysis to help repair connections and compassion in our world. His newest book is Holy Censorship or Mistranslation?

September 2023 Climate Changed Guest Episode
Embodied Hope with Veronice Miles & Climate ChangedIntroduction to season 2 of the Climate Changed podcast, with contributions from Nicole Diroff & Ben Yosua-Davis, of the BTS Center, accompanied by Peterson Toscano. Today's main conversation is with Veronice Miles involving hope as a spiritual exercise.
Paulette Meier
Beauty, Activism, & Timeless Wisdom: Paulette Meier

We welcome back Paulette Meier, last with us in 2009. She's put out 3 albums since then, one around her activism and work for the world, and the other related to the timeless Quaker wisdom she has delivered in chant or plainsong. Paulette combines her beautiful voice with deep spirit and care for the world to share heart-mending and nourishing music from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Community Christian, Quaker

Paul Klinkman
Solving Climate Change with Engineering

Paul Klinkman has been creating the solution to climate change creatively for more than 50 years, exploring all kinds of innovative techniques, technologies, and methods to save the planet and its species from the ravages of catastrophic climate crisis. Inspired by a spiritual vision before anyone was talking about global warming, Paul has drawn deeply on his deep genius to find a hopeful way forward. We spoke with Paul Klinkman in person before a small audience at the annual Friends General Conference gathering held at the Western Oregon University in Monmouth, Oregon.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Congregational, Quaker

Katie Dahl
Singer & Playwright of the Wild Midwest: Katie Dahl

Katie Dahl's music is spirit-laden, rooted in a religious past which no longer fits, but which Katie still copes with through new lenses. Katie has been described as “a songwriter and playwright whose work is as expansive as Lake Michigan and as deeply rooted as its rocky coastal bluffs”, and that fits her well. With many songs related to the wild natural spots across Wisconsin & Minnesota, Katie's music delves into some of the best places and hearts on Earth, and leads us on a profound journey. Katie Dahl joins us via Zoom from Door County, Wisconsin.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Baptist, Unitarian Universalist, Quaker

Preeta Banerjee
TikTok, Daryl Hannah, and Barbie Take on Climate ChangeIn this episode, we’re diving into the creative and innovative ways people are reaching the public about climate change. We feature TikTok influencers and a special announcement on behalf of a major toy company. 
Anne Heaton
From Soul Songs School and To The Light: Anne Heaton

Anne Heaton has lived widely, pursuing a wide range of interests, in Chicago (IL), Washington DC, New York, Ann Arbor (MI), and now in Milwaukee (WI). She has all the classical piano cred you could want, but has also performed as part of a Harlem gospel choir, while her songwriting has been inspired by the likes of the Indigo Girls and Tori Amos. Anne brings all these wonderful ingredients together to serve up a delightful musical dish, the topping of which is her most recent album, To the Light. Anne is the founder of Soul Songs School.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Meditation, Non-affiliated

Myron Buchholz & Thom Hartman
US Democracy - Maybe/Maybe Not: Thom Hartmann & Myron Buchholz

Thom Hartman just released his latest book, The Hidden History of American Democracy: Rediscovering Humanity's Ancient Way of Living, and it's full of the kind of historical scrutiny and keen analysis to expose and clarify the facts behind our much-vaunted form of government. We speak with Thom, the #1 US progressive talk show host, as well as a prolific and persuasive writer, and also with Myron Buchholz, former high school history teacher and former Democratic primary candidate for Wisconsin's 3rd District in the U.S. House of Representatives.