Thom Hartmann Exposes the Hidden History of the War on Voting

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Thom Hartmann is one of the most articulate voices of progressive radio in the USA, and he's a compelling writer as well. His most recent book is The Hidden History of the War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote and How to Get It Back combines history, current events, analysis, & insight into the most crucial threat to our representative democracy happening now.

Inviting Democracy Back

First Air Date

Our democratic republic has been seriously undermined, particularly over the past 10-15 years, but fortunately there are people like Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause - Wisconsin, working diligently to rebuild the structures of democracy. Common Cause works nationally for government of, by, and for the people by fighting against gerrymandering, voter suppression, & buying elections, and working for ethics, accountability, & voting rights.